Looking for Legal Entity Identifier ?

Steps for LEI Registration

Effortlessly register for LEI with these simple and fast steps

Data Validation
LEI  Confirmation

LEI Pricing

Choose your LEI registration package. Save more with multi-year registration.

Registration Fee

99 USD
239 USD
Avg. 79.67 USD/year
339 USD
Avg. 67.80 USD/year

Renewal Fee

80 USD/year

About LEI

What is an LEI?

  • A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique identifier that is assigned to a legal entity across different jurisdictions. It provides key information about a legal entity such as its legal name, registered address, and ownership structure. It was introduced as a global system to improve transparency, mitigate risks, and enhance regulatory compliance.

Who is GLEIF?

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2014 to support the implementation and use of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs).
GLEIF's role is to ensure the accuracy, consistency, and availability of LEIs as well as operate the Global LEI System (GLEIS), a database containing information about legal entities and their associated LEIs. GLEIF works with Local Operating Units (LOUs) around the world that are responsible for assigning LEIs to legal entities.

Why is an LEI necessary?

  • LEI plays a crucial role in enhancing transparency, risk management, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency in the global financial ecosystem. It enables better identification, tracking, and monitoring of legal entities, contributing to more stability and transparency.

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Who needs LEI?

  • Various entities and individuals may need a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Here are some examples of who may require an LEI:

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How long is an LEI valid?


What are the benefits of the multi-year packages?


What is the difference between 'Renewal' and 'Transfer'?


How to transfer LEI?


What are 'Who is who' and 'Who owns whom', level 1 and level 2 data?


In which cases that does not need to report parent company (Level 2 data)?


Where do I check the validity of an LEI?


Is there any Refund policy? How long does it take?

Partnership with RapidLEI

EnAuthn as a product form Finema Co.,Ltd. partnered with RapidLEI, solidifying its role as a Registration Agent (RA) for Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). As a registration agent, EnAuthn help legal entities to access the network of RapidLEI ,LEI issuing organizations responsible for performing LEI issuance and related services